
Sworn translator Rabat
Arab French English


infoalami@yahoo.com Tel.: 06 61 92 03 56

“Alami Translation Service: legal and official translation. »
In addition to its know-how, Alami Translation invests significantly in new communication technologies, supervised by Alami Thami, member of the European Association of Sworn Translators, sworn interpreter.

Language combinations:

French Arabic

French Arab

English Arabic French

dutch arabic

German French Arabic

Swedish French Arabic

From all languages ​​to Arabic/French

AGREED with the following consulates: France, Belgium, Holland, England, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Canada.

Domains: family reunification, marriage certificates, certificates and diplomas, judgments of marriage and divorce….

Pharmacy, medicine, law, IT, economics, literature, memoirs.

only by appointment the deposit and collection of translations

Email: infoalami@yahoo.com

we are a neutral and independent translation service, which means that we are not dependent on any governmental or semi-governmental body.

Your satisfaction is our engine of development!